3rd Kalma

3rd Kalima Tamjeed With Urdu Translation

3 Kalima Tamjeed With Urdu Translation

The 3rd Kalma is called “Kalimat-e-Tamjeed” (Word of Majesty) in which we Narrate The Glory of Allah and his Oneness and His Authority.The 3rd has Two Parts.
In first Part we Read “SubhanAllahi Walhamdulillahi Wala Ilaha IllAllahu Wallahu Akbar” The First Word “Subhan Allah” means that Allah is Holy and He is not Like us We can’t Imagine how Allah is, He is Many much greater. And the Second Word “AlhamduLillah” means All the Admires Belongs to Allah. The third Word “WaLaa Ilaha IllAllahu” If you have Read the 1st Kalma then you recognize that word was also in First Kalma which means There is none worthy of worship except ALLAH who is the only God.Now the fourth and last word of this part “Wallahu Akbar” which Allah is so Great.
In the Second Part we Read “Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azeem” The First Sentence of this Part “Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata” means that the Strength to avoid Sins and the Strength to do Good Deeds is from Allah. The Second Sentence “Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azeem” Allah who is Almighty and Great.This 3rd Kalima is Pronounced as,


“SubhanAllahi Walhamdulillahi Wala Ilaha IllAllahu Wallahu Akbar. Wala Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azeem”

Translation in English

“Glory be to ALLAH and all praise be to ALLAH and there is none worthy of worship except ALLAH, and ALLAH is the Greatest. And there is no might or power except with ALLAH, the Exalted, the Great One.”


  1. I remember the 3rd kalima in just 30 minutes. I just wanna thank u I'm finally on 6th kalma all thanks to u!

  2. https://quranpak.pro/third-3rd-kalma/

  3. The Holy Quran is the matchless Kalaam [Word] of that Lord عَزَّوَجَلَّ Who is the only Deity, the only Creator and the real Lord of the entire universe. The blessed revelation began in the sacred month of Ramadan. You can read Holy Quran and islamic info from https://quranpak.pro/


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